Thursday, April 29, 2010

no minute

like the last.

this is present tense.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Maryam Nassir Zadeh

i want to LIVE in this outfit this summer...

via here

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's Official...

We have studio mates!
The girls from Free Time Industries
are all moved in.
It's been three weeks of bliss.
(At least as far as I know)


...all lonely.

And NOW:

It's like a big old design party up in this.
It's almost like being in school,
only I actually like all my classmates.
Oh and Beth and Megs are around too.

C'est bon.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh Joy!

Joy did a nice little post on the
mini-pedestals today!

Thanks Joy!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm in love...

with Gretel's new online windows:

I mean, even though she's making me look bad,
(or my photo taking skilllllz)
I still looooooove them.

Inspirations: Julien Renault

I'm really digging his products
especially these shoes.

But I'm really blogging
I love the styling and photography.

Friday, April 9, 2010

"Almost Isn't Good Enough"

This happened to me today.

Poo-poo you
white-taurus-driving old man.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Photo Shoot: A Re-cap

I'm excited to see the real
product of Sunday's shoot.

It was a lot of fun
and a huge learning experience for me.

Lauren working her magic.

The panca.

The panca and Ursula.

Frank being rad and well, Frank.

Beth: The Apprentice

The End.

Overheard: In Our Studio

Actually it was
at home while falling asleep on the sofa.

Brian: You know all we need to
do to the Panca bench is widen the length.

Jamie: You mean lengthen it?

Brian: (laughs) Yeah, pretty much.


Dear Universe,
Aside from missing ceramics class,
yesterday was the raddest.
Thank you
keep it up.

We finalized some major
decisions with Justine
for a table project.

While snooping around her site,
I found this photo that
Charlie Schuck took:

I l-l-l-l-l-love his work.
Justine mentioned that
he's taken photos for totokaelo.

Then we met with Ashley
to talk about a lighting project
in portland.
(More details as they firm up.)

Ashley also works as a stylist at Totokaelo
and handed me Charlie's card.
(I love how the universe works.)

Then we mailed off our contract
to Jansen+Co.

And Brian is still obsessed with this and this.

While I've still been obsessed with this:

and this:

And I finished up yesterday with a much
needed 6pm bedtime.
I literally couldn't more anymore.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Frame Lights on Remodelista

just wanted to mention
that the frame lights popped up
on remodelista last week.